E.M. Path! VIII

Align fully with nature and prioritize harmony. Nurture yourself to unite with others and world with open heart. Try to feel oneness with seasons and cycles of life as you naturally ground yourself in this groundless phase of life. Let yourself just be who you really are. Trust the wisdom of your life path. Imagine yourself as a flourishing deciduous tree growing up towards the sky and resonating deeply with blue sky open heart above you all.

This mirrors the magical evolution of growth and our own natural vitality. Everything always changes as nothing ever stays the same in the mystery of impermanence which can be totally awe-inspiring! This path is Evolutionary Mindfulness!

E.M. Path! VII

At the start of every new day, breathe deeply into heart and focus on your intuition to expand your awareness and perceptions of others and earth world. In these moments, you will experience a greater sense of inner peace as you awaken higher levels of consciousness that brings forth the light of clarity with unconditional love and unity with all humankind and universe. Simply allow yourself to be happy with open heart and witness every breath you take carrying energies of sky which will be your entrance to your own infinite part of self that allows you to see and feel what you truly know and love!

E.M. Path! VI

With every age and stage of life, wherever you are, be courageous and cultivate loving kindness and compassion whenever fear arises. Believe that F.E.A.R. is False Evidence Appearing Real as it comes from the conditioned mind with past sufferings on physical levels. Simply envision emotions as rivers or oceans of waves, winds of life, or fire of transcendence that naturally flows and releases what is and opens you to vast open spaciousness. In those moments, there is no permanence at all, so never let yourself be stuck in fear. Just let go of all negatives with every exhale and stay connected to your open heart with unconditional love and acceptance. You could strengthen self with positive affirmations such as: “I am strong.”, ” I am capable.”, “I embody the strength of all others I admire.”, “I am lotus flower blossoming self-regeneration.” As you walk forth on this humble path, you will continually evolve and discover all your relationships and life experiences to be enhanced every step of the way.

E.M. Path! V

Be kind to yourself and others by accessing feminine powers within. Every day and as much as you can, delve into right hemisphere of brain and simply witness all your senses including gut instincts with open heart, unconditional love and acceptance. All human beings have feminine powers that are mirrored in Mother Nature. Here you will come home to tree of life and your own true nature where inner knowings and power of creativity blossoms forth with magical outcomes. Here you can release past sufferings, old thought patterns and even addictive habits. On this journey of self-discovery, you will transcend in amazing ways while connecting with your own uniqueness within and link with clarity to empowering energies that rises forth in every breath you take!

E.M. Path! IV

Release anxiety whenever it arises. Anxiety causes many discomforts in mind and body as stress, sadness, fears and tiredness can elevate levels of self-doubt, anger and frustrations when it happens. Walk forward in moments on path of empathy with open heart and practice deep breathing from below abdomen. Stop right away, place hands on heart and take deep breaths in through nostrils as you feel fresh cleansing air going in body and belly rising. Then, as you exhale through mouth, blow out like blowing a straw and feel belly sinking back down. With every out breath, release all negatives you sense with vulnerability and nervousness and then begin to feel more and more calmness in mind and body.

When you are ready, begin to say a positive affirmation to transcend self to whole new level of existence, well beyond conditioned mind patterns. For instance, you could say “I am open to new possibilities to grow and expand my life.”, “I am lovable and I will always love me.”, “I embrace change and make tomorrow better.”, “I am my own best friend practicing emotional self-care every day.” Here you will be one with open heart.

E.M. Path! III

Honour your journey forth with vital growth and evolution through body sensations and deep belly breathing. As you do this, gently release any stress within to rejuvenate self and align with beauty of fresh open air. Imagine this inner path having a lovingly soft breeze that soothes and nourishes you as air enters your body and goes through every cell. Here toxic emotions and other energetic pollutants from external world are cleared. Here, great spaciousness in mind and body becomes one with open skies and beauty of new moon powers!

E.M. Path! II

Maintain emotional wellness by staying grounded and focusing on mind and body sensations every step of the way. Be mindful of your energy level at the start of each day when you awake and are ready to start the day. If you feel tired and doubtful, begin by journaling stream of consciousness all that comes forth, whether it is a level of exhaustion from body discomforts, stress from too many activities, or negativity from others and external world through media, internet, marketing where unknown people deplete you. Simply release all darkness within and express your own truths with every word you write. Here you can open yourself to making better choices and begin a new path for improving quality of life in significant ways!

For instance, if body discomforts and negativity in mind prevails, you may choose to spend more time in relaxation with meditation every day. Spend time out in nature next to trees with new growth, running water energies in creeks, rivers, oceans, all beneath open sky and even delights of birds chirping and flying overhead. You could also focus on doing more regular exercises, eliminate unhealthy food choices and choose better. Another option is to set boundaries in relationships that bring dissatisfaction to you. Self-care with unconditional love is essential on path of empathy where you will reach your own natural vitality and aliveness in wonderfully empowering ways!

E.M. Path!

Journey forth onto new path that will bring higher realms of experience, well beyond conditioned mind carrying past thoughts, fears, worries and doubts. On this blessed path, access your EMOTIONS and make MINDFUL choices every step of the way to improve quality of life as you adventure into your own inner world staying connected with open heart. Here, consciousness will expand with the beauty and grace of ease which brings more joy and happiness on this empathic path of transformations.

For instance, if you are caring for a pet that is has somehow hidden and remained distant for a few days, you may feel worries rising within. Simply calm self and bond with open heart to mindfully choose others who could support you in wondrous ways, whether it is a good friend, neighbour or loving companion who has greater intelligence with animal world. Here, others can bring greater confidence and courage to you as you walk forth onto path of success, trusting that everything will work out and the pet will return at the right time with natural health and vitality. Connecting with others’ intelligence through path of fears and negativity are an essential step on empathic journey for enhancing quality of life!

Most Amazing Mind! VIII

The most amazing mind is filled with inner peace which comes from unconditional love and acceptance for self, others, and our world. To love all that is in your inner world and reflect that out to the external world is vital on path of evolution and discovering who you really are and your purpose in this life. Carry an open mind regularly as it mirrors the vast blue sky with unlimited possibilities and also mysteries of unknowns in darkness of night skies. Sun vibrations through each day and moon reflections at night mirror our own powers every day as sun reflects brain’s left hemisphere with ego powers and moon reflects brain’s right hemisphere with inner knowings and intuition from silence of observations. Here inner peace exists in every moment, revealing your own uniqueness each and every day.

Most Amazing Mind! VII

Align with moon powers through seasons of life! Whether it is a new or full moon, waxing or waning, the moon carries the power of creative life forces with the natural beauty of calmness and reflection through darkness of life. The energy it exudes impacts not only tidal waves, but also our emotions and body which can help us access right hemisphere of brain and feminine powers within, regardless of being male or female.

Access moon powers by spending time in silence meditating under its essential energies in moments and observe what spontaneously and intuitively arises within you. Ask yourself and moon mindful questions you would like to explore such as “What emotions am I currently experiencing?”, “What do I most desire in my life path?”, “How do I feel about myself?”, “What matters most to me?”, “What does this moment invite me to observe and recognize right now?” All these questions will bring you into your own natural powers and most amazing mind with every breath you take!