Mind Master prides itself in offering quality personal services.  We maintain a high degree of individual attention through casual small group sessions.  Respect for confidentiality is firmly upheld, ensuring a safe place to share, learn, and grow.

Oasis Wellness: register on-line, call Fay at 778-387-0257 or email

Glen Pine Pavilion: register on-line, call 604-927-4386, in person 1200 Glen Pine Court, Coquitlam

Scroll down below list of Upcoming Seminars for Course description/prices.   For Venue Details (parking and access), please scroll down to bottom of page.

Upcoming Seminars

PATH OF GROWING YOUNGER series Glen Pine Pavilion, Wednesday daytime series and Tuesday evening series

Clear Mind  Weds., Feb 5, 2020  11:45 am – 12:45 pm (program #657920)

Healthy Body  Weds., Feb 19, 2020  11:45 am – 12:45 pm (program #657921)

Pure Heart  Weds., Mar 11, 2020  11:45 am – 12:45 pm (program #657922)

Ageless Spirit  Weds., Apr 15, 2020  11:45 am – 12:45 pm (program #657923)


Clear Mind  Tues., Jan 28, 2020  7:00 – 8:00 pm (program #657916)

Healthy Body  Tues., Feb 25, 2020  7:00 – 8:00 pm (program #657917)

Pure Heart  Tues., Mar 24, 2020  7:00 – 8:00 pm (program #657918)

Ageless Spirit  Tues., Apr 21, 2020  7:00 – 8:00 pm (program #657919)


Setting Your Intentions: Manifest the Future You Desire!  Oasis Wellness  Wed., Feb 26, 2020   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.


Course Description/Prices

PATH OF GROWING YOUNGER  It has been said that in the latter half of life, what you don’t know is more important than what you do know! Join inspiring conversations, introspective exercises, and guided meditations to release limiting perspectives and align mind, body and heart at optimal levels. Learn essential strategies for creating greater balance, inner peace, overall wellness and satisfaction in daily life!  4 X 1 hour sessions: Clear Mind, Healthy Body, Pure Heart, Ageless Spirit. Cost: $8/session

SETTING YOUR INTENTIONS: Manifest the Future You Desire!  Join an intimate group of kindred spirits to sink deeply into guided meditations and introspective exercises to discover deep desires within. Learn how to manifest the future you desire while increasing confidence and clarity for new path ahead. Come home to your authentic nature! Increased love, harmony, inner peace and fulfillment awaits!  Cost: $30/session

Past Seminars: 

EIGHT GATES TO WISDOM: Essential Rites of Passage to Second Half of Life   There is a sacred mystery within each of us awaiting discovery. Eight archetypal passages lead us through a journey of profound transformation, helping us to achieve increased depth, character and integrity in the second half of life. Join inspiring conversations, powerful guided meditations and inner-dialogue exercises to identify and release limiting thought patterns, cultivate greater love and compassion, and master the art of balanced living. A stronger connection to your true essence and authentic power awaits when you journey through essential rites of passage absent in the modern world.

Living Intuitively   Chakras are vital to mental, physical and spiritual wellness.  Your path to living intuitively may be blocked if these energy centres are out of balance or not functioning effectively.  Learn sacred truths for the 7 major chakras and experience transformative exercises to clear energy blocks.  Free yourself from limiting thought patterns to enjoy the natural flow of physical, mental and spiritual vitality!

Dancing with Shadow  Are you struggling with life? Would you like to experience more ease and flow? Join illuminating conversations and transformative exercises to come home to your true essence! Release limiting thought patterns, negative beliefs, and old habits that no longer serve you. Learn how to ‘dance’ gracefully with your shadow as you discover your unique path leading to liberation and harmony in mind, body, and spirit!

Mind Fitness  Similar to physical fitness, we need to exercise our mind in order to maintain quality of life and overall vitality. Join insightful conversations to learn the basics of Mind Fitness and essential practices for building and sustaining resilience, creativity and enjoyment through life!

Seasons of My Life Revel in the cycles of nature and discover amazing lessons related to the aging process.  Age is a gift that reveals much more abundance than we realize. Enjoy poetry, metaphors, inspiring stories and transformative exercises to open yourself to timeless wisdom, grace and beauty of your one precious life!

Balance 101: Intuition and Information Age   What is intuition and how do we connect with it?  Infinite sources of information can overwhelm the mind and block intuitive skills. Learn how to reclaim this natural skill, balance your life, and mindfully develop more ease and enjoyment in daily life.

Creative Journaling series  Are you ready to take the next step in life?  Open yourself to a world of discovery as you spontaneously draw and write your way towards personal transformation.  Dynamic exercises, guided meditations, and group support are just a few of the many benefits. Please bring 8 1/2 X 11 sketchbook and coloured writing tools.  No previous art skills required.

Inner Dialogue Sampler session   Journey within on one of the greatest adventures in your life! Explore 3 life-changing passageways into spiritual living and authentic alignment: Chakra Clearing, 8 Gates to Wisdom, Voice of Inner Child.  Profound insights and deep healing await on this path to ultimate freedom!

Speaking with Confidence  (6 session series)  Have fun building your comfort level and confidence for speaking in group settings. Experience casual and relaxed conversations as you develop essential skills for communicating in a dynamic and engaging manner. Laughter and joy are guaranteed during each session! 

Wisdom Talks & Tea (4 session series) Nourish your mind, body, and spirit with dynamic group conversations that strengthen social connections and confidence in life. Spirited laughter guaranteed in every session!

Goodbye A.N.T.s series  A.N.T.s are hazardous to our health.  Automatic Negative Thoughts are pervasive and undermine quality of life in significant ways.  Join this series of 3 seminars to learn how to eliminate A.N.T.s and replace them with a compassionate mindset.  Experience guided meditations and transformative exercises to increase your ability to live more positively in the moment, with unconditional love and acceptance.

Mindfulness: A Revolutionary Approach to Stress Stress affects every part of our being.  Mindfulness is the perfect antidote as it integrates mind, body and heart for a holistic approach to wellness.  Join engaging group discussions to learn essential strategies for managing stress and building greater resilience in life.  Self-exploration exercises and guided meditations for practicing mindfulness are your tools for positive change!

Creative Living series  Discover your inner artist in this series of experiential workshops that will literally draw out inherent artistic abilities. Cultivate more beauty and balance in your life as you release limiting thoughts and embrace your natural creativity!

Essence of Heart – Celebrate the mystery of inner stirrings!  The heart has an intelligence of its own.  Indulge yourself and/or a loved one this Valentines to essential insights and timeless wisdom from great sages who forged the path to heart-centred living.  Enjoy beautiful guided meditations and heartwarming discussions to open yourself to messages of love and a deeper understanding of this life-giving and life-sustaining source.  Your path to authenticity and oneness with all awaits!

The Wisdom of Gratitude   Gratitude is the essence of spirituality.  Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of gratitude plus 7 golden rules for transforming negative situations into positive opportunities and possibilities!  Embrace your potential as release limiting thought patterns and step firmly on the path of wholehearted living.

Doodle Bliss series Are you ready for an amazing new adventure?  Doodle Bliss is a blend of personal expression, meditation and inspiring conversations leading you onto the path of your soul.  Relax and have fun as you tap into your inner artist and discover one-of-a-kind designs and patterns only you can create.  This is the imagination series which offers delightful exercises to stretch your creative imagination.  No previous art experience required.

The Art of Forgiving series   Forgiveness is a liberating process. Join thoughtful conversations to free yourself from the past and live life more fully.  Discover valuable insights and key strategies that can be applied to your life immediately.  Compassionate dialogue, guided meditations and self-exploration exercises are just a few of the many benefits that will help you to release lingering shame, guilt, anger and sorrow. ‘The Art of Forgiving’ is the soothing balm you seek for deep healing and returning to wholeness.  Here is what past participants have said about this program:  “What I enjoyed most about this series is the sharing, caring, love, trust and togetherness.  Fay Wong is a delight and an inspiration.”  “Fay has a gift to teach and share her life experiences.  Her seminars are life changing.”

The Heart of Self-Forgiveness series   Self-forgiveness is an act of compassion that ultimately frees you from the past.  If you or a loved one have been stuck in non-forgiveness, join heartfelt conversations to learn deeper insights and powerful techniques for dissolving old perspectives that no longer serve you well; releasing shame, guilt, anger, resentment, and sadness; cultivating a compassionate mindset; and living your life more fully and freely.  

The Heart of Compassion series  Compassion is the gateway to wholehearted living.  It takes courage to have true compassion for yourself and others.  Join inspiring conversations and soothing guided meditations to release limiting thoughts and perspectives, cultivate a compassionate mindset and live life more fully and freely!

The Heart and Soul of Mother-Daughter Relationships series  Our mothers are our first and most influential sources for overall health and well-being.  Join engaging conversations to discover the profound nature of mother-daughter bonds.  This special 3 part series honours mothers, both past and present.  Discover valuable insights and key connections to deepen your understanding of this core relationship that shapes our very experiences and perceptions in life.  Hear stories, heal your sorrows and honour soul’s journey as you come home to loving your dear self in the way you wish your mother could have.

Homecoming: Recover Your Inner Child series  Do you have trouble expressing the full array of emotions? Being creative? Spontaneous? Join intimate discussions and healing meditations to rebirth your inner child. Strengthen bond with your true self as you write, draw, and explore creative arts.

Turning Straw into Gold series  Are you struggling with life?  If so, join this inspiring series of seminars that will open your mind and transform limiting thoughts and beliefs to a future filled with hope and possibilities.  Enjoy a variety of experiential exercises to help you discover effective ways to transform your experiences and enhance quality of life immediately.

Aging Brilliantly series

Introduction to Aging Brilliantly Aging is a humbling experience.  It is a journey filled with changes and we can all benefit from a healthy dose of positive thinking to ease the road.  Join engaging conversations to learn important habits for aging brilliantly with confidence and clarity. Discover tips for maintaining a sharp mind with advancing age and experiencing more rewards and fulfillment in life.   AHA!  Attitudes for Healthy Aging   A positive attitude goes a long way in helping you to be successful.  Join insightful conversations to learn 7 keys for aging well and 3 essential attitudes for enhanced quality of life.  Create your own personal growth plan towards a healthy and vibrant future.  Bounce!  Emotions are energy. When emotions are blocked, we may find ourselves stuck in anxiety, worry, depression or sadness.  Join engaging conversations to learn 4 key habits for processing emotions in a healthy manner and returning to joyous living.  Greater balance and peace of mind awaits!  Vitality Now!   The path to vitality and enduring wellness is hidden within.  Each person has different circumstances, inherent gifts and potential that makes their journey unique.  Join inspiring conversations and intriguing self-exploration exercises to discover your path to a positively energizing future, filled with exuberance and vitality!

Positive Aging series  The second half of life brings numerous common challenges as well as many blessings, including wisdom and creativity.  Join engaging discussions to learn key insights and essential strategies for releasing limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits as you develop greater confidence and creative wellness in daily life!

Dealing with Feelings series  Are your moods running your life?  Would you like to learn how to take control of your moods and get back to living life on your terms?  Join insightful conversations to free yourself and overcome limitations for living life more fully.  Learn practical strategies that you can apply immediately to positively alter your experiences in life.  Whether you are dealing with endless worry, anxiety, anger, or depression, remember that you are not alone. Everybody experiences emotional distress sometimes.  Greater joy and satisfaction in life awaits!

Healing from the Heart series  Among the most profound lessons in life, loss and forgiveness present immense opportunities for personal growth. Through darkness, we come to see light and eventually return to joy once again.  The Nature of Loss  Loss can be a profoundly transformative experience. Whether loss involves a physical ability or the loss of a loved one, loss brings us face to face with what’s really important in life. Join insightful conversations to discover the complex nature of loss and learn essential coping strategies for positive transformation.  The Power of Forgiveness  Resentment, anger and disdain inhibit wellness.  They take valuable life energy which could be otherwise directed to healing and self-care. Forgiveness is the key.  Join engaging discussions to discover healthy, effective strategies for releasing hurt feelings and achieve true forgiveness for yourself and others.  The Joy Diet  Our thoughts and behaviours can enhance or inhibit quality of life.  If you are interested in enhancing your every day experiences, join engaging discussions to discover 7 essential ingredients for greater vitality and satisfaction in life.  Whether you are looking for more meaning in life or struggling to overcome difficulties, the Joy Diet can help you find your path to the most fulfilling life possible.

The Basics of Meditation  Meditation is universal regardless of age, culture or religion. The benefits can be life changing, enhancing overall quality of life and quality of relationships.  Discover the basics of meditation with answers to Who, What, Where, When, Why and How meditation works. Experience the benefits for yourself as you sample a few meditations that can easily be incorporated into your daily life.

Natural Wellness series  Join uplifting and inspiring discussions on 3 topics essential to living well.  Explore new ways of thinking and discover deeper insights for your path to enhanced wellness!  HAPPINESS  Is happiness the most important goal in life? Can we hold onto happiness for extended periods?  Explore this widely sought after state in delightful conversations that are sure to tickle your senses and boost your spirit!  Discover ways to increase happiness in your daily life through self-exploration exercises and guided meditations.  Create your own personal action plan for experiencing more happiness in life!  INNER PEACE  Is it possible to achieve inner peace in an ever-changing world?  Can we access inner peace whenever we desire? Join insightful conversations to discover profound truths about inner peace and the nature of life.  Explore your inner terrain through self-exploration exercises and soothing guided meditations.  Create your own personal plan for surfing the waves of life with greater ease and inner peace.   LOVE  How would you define love?  What is love comprised of and what inspires love in you?  Join heart-warming conversations to explore one of life’s greatest virtues and discover a deeper meaning of love for yourself.  Open your awareness through self-exploration exercises and create a personal plan for experiencing more love on a daily basis.  A few guided meditations including creative visualization will be included to enhance your overall experience.  Optional: Bring a favourite quote, poem or small piece of art representing love to share with others.

A Symphony of the Mind: Elevate Your Consciousness for a Happy and Healthy Life     Happiness and health go hand in hand.  The degree of success you experience in each of these areas depends largely on your ability to balance both your inner and outer worlds.  Your inner world, comprised of spirit and emotional energy, thrives on right brain thinking and creative thought processes while the outer world requires left brain thinking and rational thought processes.  A symphony of the mind is necessary to achieve a happy and healthy life.  Join engaging discussions to discover essential ingredients for mastering the art of living well.  Just as a conductor orchestrates a magnificent overture, you too can command your mind to create a grand symphony that reflects the life you desire.

AUTHENTIC LIVING series  Honour your whole self and maintain healthy boundaries with others.  Discovering True Self  Journey inwards as you embark on a variety of exercises to unveil the dynamic person within.  Develop a more accurate and complex image of yourself that honours your unique personality, gifts, and talents.  Asserting True Self  Limiting habits and thought patterns hinder full expression of your true self.  Learn valuable tips for communicating openly and honestly, setting healthy boundaries and maintaining satisfying relationships.  Moving Forward Authentically  Align your outer world with your authentic inner world.  Explore a world of possibilities as you uncover latent dreams and abilities awaiting your rediscovery.  Create exciting new goals to set you on your path toward authentic living.

SUPERBRAIN series   The Emotional Brain   Emotional balance is crucial to optimal brain performance.  Anxiety, worry and fear impacts our ability to learn, remember, and make important decisions.  Join insightful conversations to learn proven strategies for dissolving persistent moods that take the joy out of life and inhibit overall wellness.  Optimal Stress  Stress is a normal and natural part of life.  A healthy dose of stress is necessary to function well and grow in life.  Join inspiring group discussions to develop a more positive attitude toward stress and discover practical tips for supporting optimal brain performance.  Love Your Brain  Science reveals the brain is not hardwired.  How you relate to your brain is never passive.  You are always instructing it in some way.  Take a proactive approach to optimal brain performance by learning essential habits for maximizing health, happiness and quality of life.

COMMUNICATING WITH HEART series  Listening with Heart   Discover essential listening skills for rapport building.  Learn how to inject positive energy into a lifeless conversation and maintain genuine engagement.  Communication Breakdown   Explore the nature of language and how commonly used words/phrases lead to confusion and conflict.  Discover life-enhancing vocabulary that supports rewarding relationships.  Speaking with Clarity   Learn techniques for expressing your needs and values clearly.  Honour yourself and others as you practice dialogue for win-win outcomes.

MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS series   The Wisdom of Meditation  There are treasures within each of us awaiting discovery.  Find out what you infinite well of resources holds and join fascinating discussions on the fundamentals of practice.  Like rehearsing a new language, you will access another world beyond your conscious knowledge.  Have fun creating your own personal meditation for improved mental energy, creativity, and intuition!  The Art of Meditation  “The Art of Meditation” is a timeless path to pure happiness. Learn the pleasure and richness of meditation for yourself in this experiential journey that takes you through a variety of relaxation exercises to soothe your mind and body. Practice sitting, breath counting, inner exploration and moving band meditations to release tension and experience more joy and inner peace.  Everyday Mindfulness   “Everyday Mindfulness” is a learned habit. If you are stuck on auto-pilot and not sure how to advance yourself, join this session to learn practical tips for living mindfully every day.  Develop greater awareness and more peace through healthy rituals you can practice immediately. Enhance quality of life is your reward when you live mindfully every day!

The Healing Power of Mindfulness   It is a known fact that stress compromises our health and contributes to anxiety, depression, and heart disease.  In a world that relies heavily on external remedies and medicine, it is reassuring to know that we can enhance our own physical health and emotional wellbeing by adopting a certain state of mind.  Journey into the gifts of mindfulness and discover the fundamentals of practice that literally transforms your life from the inside out.  Experience a powerfully effective meditation that can be easily incorporated into your daily life.  Your path to a happier, healthier and wiser self starts here!

G.L.A.D., THE REMEDY FOR S.A.D.   Join engaging discussions to discover essential habits for warding off Seasonal Affective Disorder.  G.L.A.D. is an acronym that harbours the secrets for finding joy within, despite dark and gloomy days of winter.


Click here to read testimonials.

(Also see our list of Programs.)

Venue Details

Seminars for the public are currently held at:

Oasis Wellness, above Reflections Books, 1111D Austin Av., Coquitlam.  Access Oasis Wellness via 2nd door west of Reflections, towards Pharmasave, go up 1 flight of stairs, turn left into Oasis Wellness.  There is some angle parking in front of Reflections as well as ample parking on the streets behind (Ridgeway, Howie, Marmont)

Glen Pine Pavilion 1200 Glen Pine Court, Coquitlam  Dogwood Pavilion 1655 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam  Register: In person, On-line, phone 604-927-4386

Seminars for your Office/Team will be held on site or at your chosen venue.